FF Development ToolKit

- Microcyber
- China Shenyang
- In Stock
- 500 Sets/Month
DK13 FF Development ToolKit
Fieldbus Development Tool Kit
Product information
EMC certification and intrinsic safety certification
FF physical layer conformance test
Support Atmel ARM7 series CPU
Discrete MAU
Flash ≥256K
RAM ≥128K
Support stable data memory
Support asynchrony serial interface, baud rate is changeable
Support common I/O port
Power supplier: 9 ~ 32 VDC
Current consumption: ≤ 15mA
Supply to customer HW: 3V, 10mA or 5V, 6mA
Support two kind of communication controller
*Smar FB3050
*Microcyber FBC0409
Support Multi2000 compiler
Support operating system transplantation
--- Nucleus PLUS is used
FF technical data:
*Communication stack—FF conformance test
*Function block—FF interoperability test
*Standard FMS and SM service
*Link Master function
*Transducer block
*Standard function block and advanced function block
*Flexible function block
*DD source file, CFF file and function block source file
*Standard function block interface
Profibus PA technical data:
*DP slave function
*Compatible with DP、DPV and DPV2
*Application layer interface
*Standard function block interface
*GSD file and function block source file
Development explanation
The toolkit provides:
Hardware schematic diagram,PCB diagram
Device capacity file(CFF)description
Source code for device description
DDL language
Function block source code(C language)
Communication stack library
*Library file
*User interface function
Interface library for function block
*Library file
*User interface function
Operating system interface
Source code for driving communication controller(C language)
User needs to have:
ARM integration development tool
FF Tokenizer DD development tool(including standard DD library and compiler)V2..0 upwards
ARM emluator
Testing and debugging environment
Development Procedure